
Therapist Added Qualifications (AQ) Certification-IPT-A

 Therapist Added Qualifications (AQ) Certification-IPT-A


  • ISIPT membership required; membership must be renewed annually to maintain AQ  certification.
  • ISIPT Therapist Certification is a prerequisite for AQ certification.
  • Any ISIPT-certified therapist may apply for AQ certification at any time, as long as the  above criteria are met.
  • If you meet criteria but have not yet applied for ISIPT Therapist Certification, you are  able to apply for both concurrently.

 If you are applying concurrently for ISIPT Therapist Certification and IPT-A Added  Qualification:

  • 16 hours of total IPT training are required, 8 of which must be IPT-A focused.
  • 3 total supervised IPT-A cases.
  • The cover letters, attestation and description of cases, and recommendation letters can  be used for both the ISIPT Therapist and AQ applications (in other words, the materials  can be the same) but must speak to expertise in treating adolescents.

 Application Requirements

 Cover letter no longer than two pages , providing any  information that will support IPT-A AQ  Certification.

 Attestation and description of three completed and supervised IPT-A cases  representing  early, middle and late sessions.

  • The attestation should include descriptions of three de-identified patient cases.
  • The applicant should provide a brief description of each patient’s/client’s  presenting problem, case conceptualization, course of IPT-A treatment, IPT-A  techniques/strategies used, and outcome. The write up must be sufficiently  detailed to allow the committee to assess the applicant’s experience using IPT-A.
  • Attestation should be completed by the applicant and approved by an  IPT-A-trained supervisor.
  • The attestation should be signed by both the applicant and the applicable IPT-A  supervisor(s) confirming that (a) at least 8 hours of supervision per case was  provided by the supervisor and (b) the information contained in the attestation is  truthful and accurate.
  • The applicant may reuse cases that were submitted as part of their original IPT  therapist application, as long as they were IPT-A cases.

 Letter of recommendation from an IPT-A supervisor or trainer  who has observed the  applicant’s work and can provide feedback on his/her/their IPT-A therapy competencies. 

  • The letter should be sufficiently detailed to allow the committee to assess the  applicant’s competencies as an IPT-A therapist.
  • The letter must include information about the number of cases and hours of  supervision per case, IPT-A problem areas that were the focus of treatment,  method of evaluation (e.g., review of audio-recorded sessions, case discussions)  and method of assessment for competency in use of IPT-A techniques and  strategies.
  • Checklists or insufficiently detailed letters will not be accepted.

 Documentation of participation in  8 hours or more  of IPT-A training workshops  or didactics .

  • Only IPT-A didactic training should be documented here.
  • Please provide certificates of completion of coursework when possible. If  certificates are not available, please provide a detailed description of the training  experience you received.


 If you are submitting materials for ISIPT Therapist certification concurrently, please submit all  application materials through the ISIPT portal, and indicate in your cover letter that you wish to  apply for IPT-A Added Qualification (AQ).

 If you have already completed ISIPT Therapist certification, please submit all application  materials with the heading “IPT-A AQ APPLICATION” in the subject line to both  and .

 Please allow 60 days for review of applications.

 Maintenance of Certification

  • The ISIPT website will denote AQ in IPT-A on therapist listings as long as the  applicant remains in good standing with ISIPT.
  • Therapists must continuously maintain their membership in ISIPT to maintain  their AQ certification.