
Upcoming Trainings

Are You looking for a course in IPT?

Go to Certified Trainer Directory below Therapist & Trainers and search for the area/ Country You belong to. ISIPT have IPT-trainers all over the world, speaking different languages. Ask when the next IPT-Course is running. You may also search at Regional IPT groups below “About”. You probably find relevant contact information there.

Do You want to market an upcoming IPT-training?

Please contact us for further information.

Upcoming Trainings:

Transform Your Practice with Interpersonal Psychotherapy Training

Virtual 2 day IPT training on April 12th and 13th 2024

Dr. Ron Frey and Cindy Stulberg will be providing a virtual 2 day IPT training on April 12th and 13th 2024. We would be delighted to have you share this information with any colleagues, students, friends, etc. who would be interested.  More information can be found at

If anyone is interested email me at

The Swedish society for Interpersonal Psychotherapy:

Introduction course (level A) in Swedish and Supervision for certification (level B) in digital format. Trainer Malin Bäck IPT, level D. For more information:

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and families

At AFC Roslyn Law and colleagues are recurrently running courses in IPT; all from introductory courses to trining for supervisors. For more information:

IPT-trainings are conducted every year all over the world. Here is one example; The Swedish IPT-society 2019 arranged a four day training for IPT-supervisors and a two day advanced course for experienced IPT-therapists, focusing on adaptations for children and adolescents.