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Superimposed Psychological Suffering

Oguz Omay – Gokben Hızlı Sayar In the process of diagnosis and treatment of patients, certain interactions with health professionals may generate additional psychological suffering. What may be called “superimposed psychological suffering” is the avoidable psychological pain that is added to the inevitable suffering due to disease and/or a handicap. A specific awareness of healthcare […]

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Really Treating Anxiety in 2017 by John C. Markowitz, M.D. and Barbara Milrod, M.D. In “Treating Anxiety in 2017,” Drs. Stein and Craske outline management of anxiety treatment for non-psychiatric clinicians.1 They strongly endorse pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) “by a qualified therapist,” both of which are evidence-based anxiolytic treatments.  They further emphasize that “not […]

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